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Ultimate Guide to US States Where Bulletproof Vests are Legal | Body Armor - Atomic Defense

Ultimate Guide to US States Where Bulletproof Vests are Legal | Body Armor

Ultimate Guide to US States where Bulletproof Vests are Legal | Body Armor

Purchasing and wearing bulletproof vests in the US is not illegal. However, the federal authority has several provisions regarding the purchase and use of body armor that apply to all US states. Convicted felons are not allowed to wear, purchase, or own body armor in the entire US. They can apply for a permit, but they have to show and prove cause.

Body armor can be bought online and shipped to 49 our of 50 US states. Only Connecticut bars people from directly purchasing body armor online. Residents of Connecticut too have ways to buy body armor online, see below. Online vendors are not allowed to ship body armor to Connecticut customers. Also, the Federal Authority bars anyone from shipping or bringing body armor in or out of the country without a permit. You can bring body armor on your travels around the United States and some countries internationally, but you will get some weird looks and questions.

If you are unsure of your specific situation you should call a lawyer. The advice given here is not set in stone and can change depending on your state’s laws, federal law, or county ordinances.


 States A - I States I - M States M - O States O - W


    Alabama has not made any specific or unique laws regarding body armor. They only subscribe to those laws provided by the federal authority. That means any adult in Alabama can purchase and wear a bulletproof vest, as long as they are not convicted felons. If you are in Alabama, you are free to purchase body armor from anyone. You can purchase it online or face-to-face with the seller.


    Alaska does not have any unique laws regarding the purchase and use of body armor. Anyone can purchase and wear bulletproof vests if they are not convicted felons. Body armor is available for purchase both online and face to face in physical armor stores. You can purchase it from an individual as well.


    In Arizona, it is illegal to wear body armor while committing a crime. Convicted felons are not allowed to purchase or wear body armor as well. Everyone else can purchase and wear bulletproof vests from a source of their choice, that is within the US. The vests can be purchased online, face to face in physical stores, or from individuals.


    Convicted felons cannot purchase body armor in Arkansas. You’ll be indicted with a Class A misdemeanor if you are found to possess body armor after having been convicted of assault, battery, aggravated robbery, murder, or manslaughter in Arkansas. All adults can purchase bulletproof vests online or from a face to face seller so long they do not have any of the issues mentioned above.


    California allows all adults to purchase bulletproof vests and any other body armor online or face to face, as long as they are not convicted felons.


    Everyone in Colorado except convicted felons is permitted to order bulletproof vests and other body armor products online or purchase it face to face.


    Connecticut is the only state that does not allow people to purchase body armor online. Selling or delivering body armor without meeting the buyer in person in Connecticut is a class B misdemeanor that could attract a jail sentence of up to six months, a fine of $1000, or both. You can only buy bulletproof vests face to face with the vendor.


    The following categories of people are exempt from this law.

    • Sworn members of the State Police
    • local police departments
    • Division of Criminal Justice
    • Department of Correction
    • Board of Pardons and Parole
    • Judicial branch officers
    • Members of the armed forces or National Guard
    • Officials of the Department of Administrative Services


    Delaware allows everyone except convicted felons to purchase and wear bulletproof vests. You can purchase from the armor online or face to face from any vendor of your choice as long as they are within the US. It is illegal to wear body armor while committing a crime in Delaware.


    In Florida bulletproof vests and all other types of body armor can be purchased online, face to face in physical stores, and from individuals. Convicted felons are not allowed to purchase body armor, and it is illegal to wear body armor while committing a crime.


    Georgia makes it illegal for anyone to wear bulletproof vests or any other body armor while trafficking drugs and committing violent crimes. Convicted felons are not allowed to purchase body armor as well. Anyone else can buy and wear body armor. Armor can be bought online and face to face in physical stores.


    Only convicted felons are barred from purchasing body armor in Hawaii. Any other adult can purchase and wear bulletproof vests and other body armor. You can purchase the armor online or face to face in a store or from individuals.




    As long as you have not been convicted of any felony, you can purchase and wear body armor in Idaho. Idaho allows people to purchase body armor online from face to face from individuals.


    Illinois only has no unique or additional laws regarding body armor except those of the Federal authority. Anyone can purchase and wear bulletproof vests and other types of body armor, as long as they are not convicted felons. Body armor is available online, and it can be purchased face to face as well.


    In Indiana, anyone who commits a felony while wearing body armor has unlawfully used body armor. Convicted felons cannot purchase or own body armor. Everyone else is free to purchase and wear bulletproof vests. They can purchase armor online from individuals face-to-face.


    Iowa allows people to purchase body armor as long as they are not convicted felons. Body armor is available for purchase both online and face to face in physical stores.


    The only unique law regarding the use of body armor in Kansas is the ban on possession or wearing bulletproof vests during, parades, demonstrations, protests, rallies, and assemblies. As long as you are not a convicted felon, you can purchase and wear body armor at any other time or place. You can purchase the armor face to face from any person, store or online.


    Kentucky allows all adults to purchase and wear body armor. Bulletproof vests can be bought online or face to face. Only convicted felons are barred from purchasing or using body armor.


    In Louisiana wearing body armor while committing a crime is a crime, funny how that works. Convicted felons cannot purchase or use body armor. Bulletproof vests can be purchased online or face to face.


    Maine does not have any special laws regarding the purchase and use of body armor. One can purchase bulletproof vests online or face to face in physical stores, as long as they are not convicted felons.


    Maryland permits everyone to purchase and use bulletproof vests. Anyone who has been convicted of a violent crime or drug trafficking charge is barred from purchasing or using any kind of body armor. They can obtain a permit from the Secretary of the Maryland State Police if they show cause. Body armor can be bought online or face to face in a physical store.


    In Massachusetts, you can purchase body armor online or face to face from individuals. Convicted felons are not allowed to purchase, own, or use body armor. Everyone else has the right to buy and use body armor.


    Michigan allows everyone to purchase and use body armor as long as they have not been convicted of any felony. You can purchase body armor face to face from individuals or in physical stores, or online.


    Minnesota does not have any special laws regarding the purchase and use of body armor. Everyone is permitted to purchase and wear body armor unless they are convicted felons. Body armor is available online and face to face in physical stores.


    Mississippi does not bar anyone from purchasing and using body armor except convicted felons. You can purchase body armor online or face to face in Mississippi.


    Missouri allows everyone to purchase and use bulletproof vests. Convicted felons do not have that right though. They cannot purchase, own, or use body armor. You can purchase body armor online or face to face from vendors in Missouri.


    In Montana, anyone can purchase, own, and wear body armor as long as they are not convicted felons. They can purchase body armor online, face to face, or from any place of their choice as long as it is within the US.


    Nebraska allows everyone to purchase and use bulletproof vests. Convicted felons are the only ones barred from purchasing or using body armor. Body armor can be bought face to face in physical stores and online in Nebraska.


    Nevada only bars convicted felons from purchasing and wearing body armor. Every other adult can purchase body armor online, or fface to face in a physical store.

    New Hampshire

    New Hampshire allows all adults to purchase and wear body armor. Wearing the armor while committing a crime is a crime in itself though. Convicted felons are barred from purchasing and using body armor as well. Body armor can be purchased online, or face to face.

    New Jersey

    New Jersey does not have any special laws regarding the purchase and use of body armor. Any adult can purchase and use bulletproof vests as long as they are not convicted felons. Body armor is available online and face to face in physical stores.

    New Mexico

    New Mexico does not bar anyone except convicted felons from purchasing body armor. Anyone can purchase body armor online or face to face from individuals.

    New York

    In New York, you can purchase body armor online or face to face in physical stores. New York allows everyone to purchase, own, and use body armor unless they are convicted felons.

    North Carolina

    North Carolina allows all adults to purchase and use body armor. Wearing body armor while committing a crime is a crime in itself though. Body armor is available for purchase online and face to face in physical stores.

    North Dakota

    In North Dakota, all adults can purchase and wear body armor, as long as they are not convicted felons. Body armor can be bought online or face to face from individuals. 


    In Ohio, any adult can purchase body armor online or face to face in a physical store as long as they are not convicted felons. Only convicted felons are barred from purchasing, using, or owing body armor.


    Oklahoma allows all adults to purchase and wear body armor as long as they are not convicted felons. It is a crime to wear body armor while committing a crime. Body armor can be bought online or face to face in a physical store.


    Anyone who is not a convicted felon can purchase and wear body armor in Oregon. Body armor can be purchased online or face to face.


    Pennsylvania allows all adults to purchase and wear body armor as long as they have not been convicted of any felony. Body armor is available for purchase online and face to face in physical stores.

    Rhode Island

    Rhode Island’s General Assembly passed a law in 2012 that forbid all felons convicted of a violent crime from purchasing or wearing body armor. Everyone else can purchase body armor online, face to face, or from any other place of their choice as long as it is within the US.

    South Carolina

    It is a crime to wear body armor while committing a crime in South Carolina. You are not allowed to purchase, wear or own body armor if you are a convicted felon. Anyone else is free to purchase body armor and use it. It can be purchased online, face to face in physical stores, or any other source within the US.

    South Dakota

    Only people who are convicted felons are barred from purchasing and using body armor in South Dakota. Anyone else can purchase body armor online, face to face from individuals, or any other vendor that is within the US.


    Tennessee makes it illegal to wear body armor while committing a crime. It is a class E felony called unlawful use of body armor. Convicted felons cannot purchase or wear body armor. Everyone else is free to purchase and wear body armor. It can be bought online or face to face.




    Texas does not have any special laws regarding the purchase and use of body armor. Body armor can be purchased online or face to face in physical stores. Convicted felons are not allowed to purchase, own, or use body armor.


    All adults in Utah can purchase and use body armor as long they are not convicted felons. Utah bars convicted felons from purchasing or using body armor. Body armor is available online and face to face in physical stores.


    Vermont does not have any special laws regarding the purchase and use of body armor. Body armor can be purchased online and face to face in physical stores. Convicted felons are the only ones barred from purchasing, and using body armor.


    Virginia makes it a crime to wear body armor while committing a crime. Convicted felons are also barred from purchasing, using, or owning body armor. Anyone else can purchase and wear body armor. They are allowed to purchase body armor online or face to face.


    Washington allows all adults to purchase and wear body armor, except convicted felons. Body armor is available for purchase online and face to face in physical stores.

    West Virginia

    In West Virginia, it is a crime to wear body armor while committing a crime. Convicted felons cannot purchase or use body armor either. All other adults are permitted to purchase and wear body armor from a source of their choice as long as it is in the US. Body armor is available online and face to face in physical stores.


    Wisconsin does not have any special laws regarding the purchase and use of body armor. Anyone can purchase body armor and wear it if they are not convicted felons. Convicted felons are barred from purchasing, owning, and wearing body armor. Body armor can be bought online or face to face in physical stores.


    Wyoming allows all adults to purchase and use body armor. Body armor is available for purchase online and face to face in physical stores. Only convicted felons are barred from purchasing, wearing, and owning body armor.







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